State Programs

Thousands of communities in our network are taking real and meaningful action on sustainability, climate, and clean energy to improve quality of life for residents and make a quantifiable difference to the environment. Most of the participating sustainability programs have supported local change for a decade or more by providing guidance, standards, technical resources, recognition, and often funding support.


Sustainable Jersey is a network and movement of municipalities, schools, and school districts working collectively to bring about a sustainable New Jersey. They work with state agencies, non-profit organizations, foundations, academia, and industry. The program culminates in a prestigious certification award to municipalities and schools that have met rigorous standards which are based on Sustainable Jersey’s research of best practices that contribute to a sustainable future. Their mission is to empower New Jersey communities to build a better world for future generations with the tools, training, and financial incentives necessary to pursue critical sustainability initiatives.

Launched: 2009

Administered By: The College of New Jersey Sustainability Institute

Minnesota GreenStep Cities is a voluntary challenge, assistance, and recognition program to help cities achieve their sustainability and quality-of-life goals. Their mission is to serve as a free continuous improvement program based upon a menu of 29 optional best practices. Each best practice can be implemented, as decided by city elected officials, staff, and community members, by completing one or more actions at a 1, 2, or 3-star level. These voluntary actions are tailored to all Minnesota cities, focus on cost savings and energy use reduction, and encourage civic innovation.

Launched: 2010

Administered By: Minnesota Pollution Control Agency


Sustainable CT communities strive to be thriving, resilient, collaborative, and forward-looking by building community and local economy, promoting the health equity of current and future residents, and respecting the finite capacity of the natural environment. Their mission is to provide municipalities with a menu of coordinated, voluntary actions to continually become more sustainable; to provide resources and tools to assist municipalities in implementing sustainability actions with a focus on advancing their programs for the benefit of all residents; and to provide certifications and recognition for municipalities for their ongoing sustainability achievements.

Launched: 2017

Administered By: Institute for Sustainable Energy at Eastern Connecticut State University

Michigan Green Communities (MGC) is a statewide network of local and state government staff and officials, and higher education institution staff that collaborate with one another, through peer learning and information sharing, to promote innovative sustainability, climate change, and environmental justice solutions at the local, state, regional, national, and international levels.


Administered By: Michigan Municipal League

The Green Communities Division (GCD) provides grants, technical assistance, and local support from regional coordinators to help municipalities reduce energy use and costs by implementing clean energy projects in municipal buildings, facilities, and schools. Their mission is to find clean energy solutions to local problems through the technical help and financial support that they provide for local energy efficiency initiatives.

Launched: 2009

Administered By: Massachusetts Green Communities Division

The Green Communities Program is a voluntary, point-based sustainability certification program for cities and counties. A total of 435 points are available across ten categories of actions that touch on clean energy, waste/recycling, education, transportation, greenspace, and more. The program is aimed at helping local governments tell their sustainability stories through action while fostering partnerships as well as competition.

Launched: 2009

Administered By: Atlanta Regional Commission

New York’s Clean Energy Communities program recognizes local governments for having a far-reaching impact on the community energy picture. By providing grants, coordinator support, and clear guidance for implementing a range of high-impact clean energy actions, NYSERDA is helping local governments save money, grow the local economy, and improve the environment. Nearly 600 communities participate in the program, representing 17.8 million New Yorkers.

Launched: 2016

Administered By: New York State Energy Resource and Development Authority

New York’s Climate Smart Communities (CSC) is a New York State program that helps local governments take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to a changing climate by offering free technical assistance, grants, and rebates for electric vehicles. Registered communities commit to take action by passing the CSC pledge. Communities become certified when they have gone beyond the pledge to complete and document a suite of actions that mitigate and adapt to climate change at the local level.

Launched: 2009

Administered By: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

Indiana University’s Environmental Resilience Institute brings together a broad coalition of government, business, nonprofit, and community leaders to help Indiana and the Midwest better prepare for the challenges of environmental change. By integrating research, education, and community, ERI is working to create a more sustainable, equitable, and prosperous future.

Launched: 2016

Administered By: Indiana University

Green Cities California is a network of leaders and innovators in local government who create, share, and adopt sustainable policies and practices that build vibrant, verdant, and healthy communities. Their mission is to accelerate the adoption of innovative policies and practices to advance sustainability in their communities, state, and nation.

Launched: 2007

Administered By: Urban Sustainability Directors Network

Sustainable Maryland is a prestigious designation for municipalities in Maryland that want to go green, save money, and take steps to sustain their quality of life. Municipalities that achieve the certification are considered by their peers, by state government, and by the experts and civic organizations in Maryland, to be among the leading municipalities. Their mission is to develop sustainability programs that will build a better tomorrow, one community at a time. They work with their sponsors to award technical and financial support to Maryland municipalities for sustainability projects that make communities more livable, environmentally friendly, and prosperous.

Launched: 2011

Administered By: Environmental Finance Center (University of Maryland)

The Clean Community Program is a free and voluntary program aimed at recognizing and rewarding Indiana communities for implementing a proactive, positive approach to addressing community and social issues through sustainable environmental and wellness projects. IDEM’s Clean Community Program seeks to make Indiana a cleaner, healthier, more sustainable place to live. The Clean Community Program is about ensuring a better quality of life for all Hoosiers, now and for generations to come.

Launched: 2023

Administered By: Indiana Department of Environmental Management

The Florida Green Local Government Standard is run by the Florida Green Building Coalition (FGBC), a nonprofit dedicated to improving the built environment. Its mission is to provide a statewide green building program that defines, promotes, and encourages sustainable efforts with environmental and economic benefits. This is done by providing resources like their five Green Building Standards, the annual GreenTrends Conference, directories for finding green products and professionals, listings of FGBC certified projects, and education programs for industry professionals, consumers, and government entities.

Launched: 2006

Administered By: Florida Green Building Coalition

The Green Tier Legacy Communities Charter is a unique partnership between Wisconsin communities, nonprofit organizations, and state agencies to assist communities in developing and implementing sustainability measures. Under the Charter, municipalities take actions and share information to achieve superior environmental stewardship by focusing on water resources management and/or sustainability practices. Their mission is to help communities across the state of Wisconsin move continuously toward a sustainable future through initiatives that promote environmental stewardship, economic growth, public health, and social equity.

Launched: 2010

Administered By: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

Sustainable Pennsylvania provides strategies, resources, and recognition to municipalities for improving quality of life and expanding opportunities for everyone. A free and voluntary certification program, Sustainable Pennsylvania addresses a comprehensive set of sustainability topics and provides guidance for how municipalities can advance performance in areas including land use and housing, transportation, energy, water, municipal operations, waste and materials management, and resilience. Through the program, municipal and community leadership can create a baseline, track progress, and foster innovation while earning certification.

Launched: 2013

Administered by: Pennsylvania Municipal League and Sustainable Pittsburgh